Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas

Cristian Roma

William & Mary


Professor Kevin Vose

December 5, 2022

Buddhism first came to America in the mid-19th century when Asian immigrants introduced it. However, it was not until the early 20th century that Buddhism began to gain a significant following in the United States. Since then, Buddhism has become one of the fastest-growing religions in America, with an estimated 3 million adherents. Buddhism in America is diverse, with numerous schools and traditions represented. However, all Buddhists in America share a common belief in the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. Buddhism teaches that suffering is caused by attachment and desire and that the way to end suffering is through detachment and compassion. This paper will critically discuss Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas, on the following aspects, its founder, traditions, affiliates, its relationship with other western and Asian Buddhist communities, the community’s constituency, and its daily, weekly, monthly and yearly events. Besides, it will address how the members of this community represent Buddhism and how the community is funded.


The founder of Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas, is Venerable Thich Giac Dao. Venerable Thich Giac Dao was born in Vietnam in 1960. He became a Buddhist monk at 20 and has taught meditation and Buddhism for over 30 years. He has taught in many countries, including Vietnam, Australia, and the United States. He has also authored meditation and Buddhism books and produced several meditation CDs. Thich Giac Dao came to the United States in 2006 and founded the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas in 2007 (Roma 2022). The center offers meditation classes, retreats, and workshops. The center aims to help people learn about and practice meditation and Buddhism. 

Thich Giac Dao believes that meditation can help people to find inner peace and happiness. The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center is open to people of all faiths. Thich Giac Dao teaches that everyone can benefit from meditation, regardless of religion. The center offers a variety of meditation classes, including beginner’s courses, advanced classes, and classes for children. Thich Giac Dao also provides private consultations for those who want to learn more about meditation and Buddhism.


The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas, is a community-based center that focuses on practicing meditation and studying Buddhism. The center is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds and offers a variety of programs and services to its members. The center is in a renovated church building with a beautiful meditation hall, library, and classrooms. 

The center offers a variety of programs and services, including meditation classes, retreats, and study groups. The meditation classes are open to people of all levels of experience, and the withdrawals are held throughout the year at various locations in the Houston area. The Giac Dao center is a welcoming and supportive community for anyone interested in exploring the practice of meditation and the teachings of Buddhism. 


The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas, is affiliated with the following organizations: The Unified Buddhist Church: The Unified Buddhist Church is an international organization committed to promoting peace, compassion, and understanding through the practice of Buddhism. The International Buddhist Progress Society: The International Buddhist Progress Society is a global organization dedicated to promoting Buddhism’s study and practice. 

These organizations provide support and resources for the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center and help to promote the centre’s activities and programs to a broader audience. By affiliating with these organizations, the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center can reach more people and share the benefits of Buddhist meditation with a larger community.

            Relationship with Western and Asian Communities.

There are many different types of western Buddhist communities, and each has its unique relationship with the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas. Some communities may be more closely aligned with Giac Dao’s teachings and practices, while others may be more independent. However, all western Buddhist communities share a common goal of helping people awaken to reality’s true nature. One of the closest relationships Giac Dao has been with the Insight Meditation Society in Massachusetts. Vietnamese Buddhist monks founded both organizations and shared a similar approach to meditation and teaching. In addition, both communities strongly emphasize social justice and community service. They have collaborated on several events and projects and continue supporting each other’s work.

Giac Dao also has a good relationship with the San Francisco Zen Center. While their approaches to meditation and Buddhism are different, they share a mutual respect of traditions. In addition, they have hosted events and workshops that have been well-received by the public. There are many other western Buddhist communities that Giac Dao has a good relationship with, including the Portland Buddhist Peace Fellowship, the Seattle Insight Meditation Society, and the Vancouver Shambhala Centre. These organizations are committed to providing quality meditation instruction and offering a supportive community for practitioners.

The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation Center in Spring, Texas, strongly relates to other Asian Buddhist communities. They have hosted many events that have successfully brought people together and promoted understanding and cooperation. One particularly successful event was a panel discussion on “Buddhism in America.” This event was attended by many people from various Asian Buddhist communities, and it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn about the different traditions and practices.

Another very successful event is a retreat held at the Giac Dao center. People from all over the country attended this retreat, and it was an excellent opportunity for everyone to learn about meditation and Buddhist principles. Overall, the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation Center has successfully promoted understanding and cooperation between different Asian Buddhist communities. They have hosted many events that have successfully brought people together and heightened awareness and collaboration.


The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center is located in Spring, Texas, and is part of the Vietnamese community. Besides, it is open to people of all ages and backgrounds. It is also a community member, offering services such as a food pantry and a clothing closet. The center is open to anyone interested in learning about Buddhism or meditation and does not discriminate against any race, ethnicity, or religion.


Giac Dao is a Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas that has been providing spiritual guidance and support for over fifteen years. The center offers various services and programs that help individuals connect with their inner selves and find peace and tranquillity. Giac Dao also allows people to come together and share their stories, experiences, and wisdom with others. Daily, the center offers meditation and mindfulness classes, as well as yoga and Tai Chi classes. These classes are open to all experience levels and allow people to connect with their bodies, mind, and spirit. The center also offers a variety of workshops and retreats that will enable individuals to deepen their practice and learn new techniques.

Every month, the center hosts a variety of special events that are open to the public. These events include workshops, retreats, and guest speakers. Each month, the Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center holds a series of workshops on various Buddhism-related topics (Roma, 2022). The topics of these workshops vary, but they typically cover topics such as meditation, mindfulness, and the Four Noble Truths. These workshops are open to all, and no prior Buddhist experience is necessary. 

A teacher or monk typically leads the workshops, and they are usually followed by a period of discussion and questions. The retreats are typically held on the first weekend of each month and include various activities such as meditation, dharma talks, and group discussions.

The center also offers a monthly meditation class open to all experience levels. The center also offers a yearly event to the public, and there is no charge for admission. This event is called the Houston Buddhist Festival, usually held in the springtime and typically lasts two days. It gives a chance for people to come together and celebrate their spirituality. The festival includes various activities, including lectures, workshops, and music.

                                    Representation of Buddhism.

The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation Center members represent Buddhism in a few ways. Many of the members are of Vietnamese descent and share the same cultural values and traditions as other Vietnamese Buddhists. The center also strongly emphasizes meditation and mindfulness, essential Buddhist practices. In addition, the center members are very welcoming and inclusive, offering a space for people of all backgrounds to learn about and practice Buddhism.


The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center is funded through private donations, grants, and fundraising events. The center does not receive any government funding. The center relies heavily on the generosity of its supporters. Many of the centre’s donors are local community members who believe in the centre’s mission. The center also receives donations from businesses and foundations. The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center hosts several fundraising events each year. These events help to raise awareness about the center and its work. The events also generate much-needed funds.


In conclusion, The Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center is a welcoming and supportive community for anyone interested in exploring the practice of meditation and the teachings of Buddhism. The meditation classes are open to people of all levels of experience, and the retreats are held throughout the year at various locations in the Houston area. Due to this hard work, the community has successfully brought people together and promoted understanding and cooperation.


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Roma, C. (2022, November 28). Giac Dao Buddhist Meditation center in Spring, Texas. other. Retrieved from 

17426 Bamwood Rd, Houston, TX 77090 (832) 298-3098